Targeted letters

Personal search and attack letters made within 2 min.

Targeted letters still work

especially if they are made addressed directly to the recipient.

BusySunday´s flyerssystem har to muligheder

  • Search letters, on behalf of a buyer, på baggrund af køberønsker
  • Attack letters - "steal" the listing from another agent

Letters are made with the owners home adresse

Search letters, on behalf of a buyer

If you have a buyer ready, you can very quickly and easily find homes that match 

Based on the buyer's wishes, the total number of homes is automatically sorted out, so that in the end you only have those that exactly match, in terms of price, m2., rooms.

If there are any that you see do not match, you can simply remove them from your list.

And yes, you can search by price, as we automatically provide a preliminary assessment of all homes, based on the previous purchase price.

Attack letters - "steal" the listing from another agent

Do you want to get hold of cases that are already listet for sale?

You can now sort by length of current time for sale, type, m2. and price and then send out a letter offering your expertise. It is ultra easy to get an overview of lay times, and with a few clicks, flyers addressed to the owners have been created.

Hand them in yourself or have them sent


Once you have created a letter, you can very easily press print and they are ready in less than 30 seconds.

Get it sent

If you want the easy solution, simply press "send out", and the flyers will be packed and sent with postal agency

Why "shoot" toward all, when you can use a sniper rifle?

You can just print those that match your search. Whether it applies to letters of attack
cases that have been for sale for between 5 & 7 months, or only 2 years. apartments on a single road, then you can quickly specify exactly who you want to hit



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