
BusySunday har udviklet en “ai motor”, der sparer jer tid

Simply write the area, city, road and what type of home. And based on that, you can then choose which type of text you want automatically written

But can it be true that it is so easy?

Asking your computer to write for you is a lot to ask of it. What an artificial intelligence can do in relation to writing is to give you a really good inspiration, and then you just have to adjust the last 10% yourself.

But you can get inspiration in 30 seconds, and then you have to spend some time yourself. But it really also saves a lot of time.


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We make it easy for you

We are constantly developing our AI so that your work is made easier for you. And we are very responsive to the needs of the agents

Have you also become curious about how BusySunday and ai can help you?


NO download at all

BusySunday is in the cloud and can be accessed from devices, both PC, Mac, Android and IOS

Easy and intuitive
Great Ui
Awesome support 8 am - 10 pm every day
High customer satisfaction
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Customer testimonials

Jakob Præstegaard Boesen

Daglig leder, Ejendomsmægler og køberrådgiver, home Hedensted-Løsning

In any case, it was an eye-opener for me when I got access to the program that there are so many people who move internally in cities!

So the broker concept "The local marketplace" is still relevant!

Patrick Åris Jensen

Nærmæglerne, Næstved

We have now been using BusySunday for a few weeks and can already confirm that it has had a positive impact in several assessments. Among other things. when assessing a holiday home for +3 million, where we could tell where the customers for holiday homes in that particular area primarily come from.

User-friendly platform and success in assessment – ​​great mix.


Our customers

We work widely with so far many Danish brokers, from many agencies - The first American customers are on it´s way

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